Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum
Redaktör Mika Kajava,
Societetens publikationer är tillgängliga under Creative Commons Erkännande-Icke-Kommersiell-IngaBearbetningar 4.0 Internationell-licensen.
(pdf) Publikationsförteckning
(pdf) CHL 147 | Sonja Dahlgren, Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros | Scribes and Language Use in the Graeco-Roman World. 2024. 285 s.
(pdf) CHL 146 | Tuomo Nuorluoto | Latin Female Cognomina. A Study on the Personal Names of Roman Women. 2023. 529 s.
(pdf) CHL 145 | Gianluca De Martino | The Cult of Poseidoniate Hera and the Lucanians in Poseidonia/Paistom An Ancient Story of Religion and Multiculturalism. 2023. 329 s.
(pdf) CHL 144 | Mika Kajava | Naming Gods. An Onomastic Study of Divine Epithets Derived from Roman Anthroponyms. 2022. 159 s.
(pdf) CHL 143 | Tua Korhonen | To the Glory that was Greece. Ideas, Ideals and Practices in Composing Humanist Greek during the Seventeenth Century. 2022 411 s.
(pdf) CHL 142 | Sari Kivistö | Neo-Latin Verse Satire, ca. 1500–1800. An Ethical Approach. 2022. 293 s.
(pdf) CHL 141 | Heikki Solin | Da Rodolfo Pio ai Farnese. Storia di due collezioni epigrafiche urbane. 2021. 432 s.
(pdf) CHL 140 | Ilkka Kuivalainen | The Portrayal of Pompeian Bacchus. 2021. 285 s.
(pdf) CHL 139 | Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros, Sonja Dahlgren (ed.) | Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL9) 30 August – 1 September 2018. 2020. 356 s.
(pdf) CHL 138 | Mika Kajava, Tua Korhonen, Jamie Vesterinen (ed.) | Meilicha Dôra. Poems and Prose in Greek from Renaissance and Early Modern Europe. 2020. 578 s.
(pdf) CHL 137 | Heikki Solin (ed.) | Studi storico-epigrafici sul Lazio antico II. 2019. 168 s.
(pdf) CHL 136 | Ria Berg, Ilkka Kuivalainen, Leena Pietilä-Castrén (ed.) | Domus Pompeiana M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24. The Inscriptions, Works of Art and Finds from the Old and New Excavations. 2019. 323 s.
(pdf) CHL XXXIV 1 | Hilma Granqvist | Muslim death and burial. Arab Customs and Traditions Studied in a Village in Jordan. 1965. 287 s.
(pdf) CHL VI 8 | Hilma Granqvist | Marriage conditions in a Palestinian Village II. 1935. 366 s.
(pdf) CHL III 8 | Hilma Granqvist | Marriage Conditions in a Palestinian Village. 1931. 200 s.