Grants Awarded 2024
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has awarded 54 grants totaling €571,260. More information regarding the grants is available via the following link.

Interview with Professor Bo Lönnqvist: ‘Linnaeus in His Lapland Dress’
An interview with Professor Bo Lönnqvist regarding the painting 'Linnaeus in His Lapland Dress' has been published on the Society's YouTube channel. Lönnqvist has donated the painting to the Society and now it's located in the meeting room Elias. Watch the interview...

In memoriam Holger Thesleff
Friday, March 15, 2024, from 2:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. University of Helsinki, Metsätalo Hall 6 (Unioninkatu 40, 3rd floor) Welcome to the memorial seminar dedicated to Holger Thesleff, an extraordinary professor of Greek philology (1924–2023). The seminar will delve...

New Recordings: Memorial Speeches for Professors Nils Storå, Pirjo Sewón, and Bengt Stenlund
During the monthly meeting on January 15, 2024, Anna-Maria Åström, Mats Gyllenberg, and Mikko Hupa gave memorial speeches for professors Nils Storå, Pirjo Sewón, and Bengt Stenlund. Watch the recordings via this link.

Professor Mats Gyllenberg’s farewell lecture
The Society's Permanent Secretary Professor Mats Gyllenberg gave his farewell lecture "The art of mathematical modelling" on January 18, 2024. Read the article here.