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The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters’ Teacher Prizes 2024


The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters was founded in 1838 and is the oldest academy of sciences in Finland. The Society annually awards three teacher prizes. One of the prizes is awarded to a teacher in a Swedish-language high school, and two to teachers in Finnish-language high schools.

The prize amount is 5000 euros. Additionally, the awarded teacher’s school receives a grant of 2000 euros to be used for developing teaching in the teacher’s subject. In 2024, the prizes are awarded to teachers in the following subjects:

Swedish-language high schools:

  • humanities or social sciences

Finnish-language high schools:

  • mathematics or natural sciences
  • humanities or social sciences

Motivated nominations for awardees are to be sent to the Society via email at societas@scientiarum.fi by February 6, 2024. Proposals can be submitted by individuals, schools, and other organizations. Even high school students and university students are encouraged to submit proposals. Motivating teachers who have succeeded in having many of their students continue successfully with university studies in the field are particularly suitable awardees.

The proposal should include at least the following information: name of the proposer, name, title, school, and contact details of the proposed person, as well as a roughly one-page justification for why the proposed teacher deserves the prize.

Further information is provided by the Society’s Permanent Secretary, Professor Mats Gyllenberg: tel. 050-4332920, email secretarius@scientiarum.fi.