During the monthly meeting on 18.12.2023, Mikael Fogelholm and Eva Heiskanen discussed consumption and sustainability. You can watch Mikael Fogelholm's lecture titled "Asiakasetukorttien keräämä...
New Publication: Att minnas eller glömma: Tillkomsten av Svenska litteratursällskapets arkiv och dess roll i skapandet av identitet 1885−1920
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has published a new book: Att minnas eller glömma: Tillkomsten av Svenska litteratursällskapets arkiv och dess roll i skapandet av identitet 1885−1920,...
Seminar: The Europeanisation of Research and Higher Education 29.1.2024
Recent decades have witnessed a profound transformation of the European and global research and higher education system. In this seminar, the topic is approached from the perspective of the history...
Symposium: Languages and understanding
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters is organizing a symposium named Languages and understanding on the 15th of February, 2024 at 4 pm. to 8 pm. at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi,...
New Publication: Talot pysyvät, ihmiset vaihtuvat. Sosialistisen yhteiskunnan rakentaminen entisessä suomalaisessa Kurkijoen kirkonkylässä Neuvostoliitossa
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has published a new book: Talot pysyvät, ihmiset vaihtuvat. Sosialistisen yhteiskunnan rakentaminen entisessä suomalaisessa Kurkijoen kirkonkylässä...