New Members
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters is Finland's oldest Academy of Sciences. Since 1838, it has gathered the Finnish scientific elite. The following scientists have been elected as members of The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters on December 16, 2024:...
The Night of Science: Karelia, Kalevala and the Hidden Networks of the Prohibition Era
Date & Time: Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6 PM to 8 PM Location: Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7 A 6, Fourth Floor, 00130 Helsinki The Night of Science will be celebrated in Helsinki on Thursday, January 9, 2025, featuring nearly fifty science-related events throughout...
Helena Lehečková receives the Gratias Agit Award
On October 17, Helena Lehečková was honored with the prestigious Gratias Agit Award by the Czech Republic's Foreign Minister, Jan Lipavský. The ceremony took place at the Czernin Palace in Prague. The award is presented annually to ten distinguished individuals and...
New Publication: Kiistelty klassikko. V. A. Koskenniemen tuotannon ja toiminnan uudelleenarviointi
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has published a new book titled Kiistelty klassikko. V. A. Koskenniemen tuotannon ja toiminnan uudelleenarviointi, by Hannu Riikonen (2024). The book can be purchased through the Bookstore Tiedekirja, Snellmaninkatu 13,...
Yearbook Sphinx 2023-2024
The yearbook Sphinx 2023-2024 has now been published online and in physical form. The book can be purchased at the Bookstore Tiedekirja, Snellmaninkatu 13, 00170 Helsinki, or read online via this link. Sphinx 2023-2024 covers a wide range of scientific topics. The...