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New Recording Available: Lecture by Jessica Rosenholm

New Recording Available: Lecture by Jessica Rosenholm

At our monthly meeting on May 29, 2024, Professor Jessica Rosenholm (Åbo Akademi) gave a lecture titled "Nanomediciner – små läkemedel, stora möjligheter". Jessica Rosenholm received the Professor E.J. Nyström Prize 2024. Watch the recording here.

Maupertuis Call for Projects 2025 is open

Maupertuis Call for Projects 2025 is open

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, The French Institute in Finland and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research launch a joint call for projects to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education.The call...

New Recording Available: Lecture by Jessica Rosenholm

Jessica Rosenholm receives the Professor E.J. Nyström Prize 2024

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters awarded, during its annual celebration on April 29th, seven laureates for their contributions in chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and pedagogy. The total prize amount was 101,000 euros. The most prestigious award,...

New Publication: Taming Greater Finland

New Publication: Taming Greater Finland

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has published a new book titled Taming Greater Finland: Pan-Finnism, the Soviet Finnish Kalevala Controversy, and the Karelo Finnish Soviet Republic, 1940–1956, by Takehiro Okabe (2024). The book is part of the series...