Science- and teacher prizes
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters have their own prizes but also administer and help with the decision of others.
Professor E.J. Nyström Prize is awarded annually for scientific accomplishments. The prize alternates between the four sections. Former recipients.
Professor Theodor Homén Prize is awarded annually and alternates between physics and the history of Finland. The prize alternates between the four sections. Former recipients.
State Councillor Lorenz Lindelöf Prize is awarded every third year for scientific work in mathematics. The price was created in 2013 and was awarded for the first time at the 175 year jubilee in april 2013. The prize alternates between the four sections. Former recipients.
PhD Mikael Björnberg Memorial Fund awards prizes to distinguished scientists in physics, preferably theoretical physics. Former recipients.
Magnus Ehrnrooths foundation Prize for mathematics is awarded annually and alternates between mathematics, chemistry and physics. The prize alternates between the four sections. Former recipients.
Each year, three prestigious teacher prizes are granted to exceptional upper secondary school teachers in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. A vital requirement for these prizes is that the recipients’ students must have successfully applied to universities within their respective disciplines. Motivated suggestions for awardees are to be sent to the Society via email (societas@scientiarum.fi) no later than February 15th. Suggestions can be submitted by individuals, schools, and other organizations. Former recipients.
The Society’s bronze or silver medal, designed by Alexander Baharev, is awarded in recognition of special contributions to the Society.