Katja Tauriainen
Research grants
Link to the online application service
Over the years the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has received significant donations. This makes a relatively large distribution of annual research grants possible.
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters awards grants in all fields of science, the humanities and the social sciences. On the application form you must indicate to which section your application belongs: Mathematics and Physics, Biosciences, Humanities or Social Sciences or the Sohlberg Delegation.
The Sohlberg Delegation handles grant applications to the Sohlberg Fund which supports postgraduate research within the geosciences (incl. geography) primarily about the natural conditions in Finland and the Nordic countries. Grants are awarded for conference trips, fieldwork and purchase of programs (not purchase of equipment).
Guidelines for grants awarded by the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
The Society has approved the following guidelines, which can be found via this link.
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters annual grant application period is January 1.-31. The application should be made electronically through this link.
The deadline for submitting applications is January 31 at 23.59.
Awarded grants will be published on this website before the end of March. Applications that are not mentioned has not been granted. An award letter will also be sent to those who have been granted. The grant cannot be disbursed before the application is completed with personal identity code, home address, e-mail and bank account number.
Guarantor’s commitment
Grants can be awarded to members of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters or other researchers. When a non-member applies for a grant, it must be endorsed by a member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application and the performance of the foreseen work. The form for the guarantor’s commitment.
Report on the use of the grant
Persons receiving grants must submit a report on the use of the grant funds as soon as possible after completion of the work, or at least once a year no later than 31 May. The report including possible receipts should be sent by e-mail to the following address: societas@scientiarum.fi. The report is reviewed by the permanent secretary and treasurer and is subject to approval by the board.
Non-members reports must be endorsed by the member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application and the performance of the foreseen work. The form for the guarantor’s statement.
Privacy policy
The privacy policy for grants can be read here.
Other research grants managed by the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
The Ruth and Nils-Erik Stenbäck Foundation annually awards grants to young Finnish and Swedish scientists in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The grant proposal is made by the Society and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences as a collaboration.
The Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation awards grants for scientific research in mathematics, astronomy, physics and chemistry, including medical chemistry. The proposal for the annual grants is made by the Society’s board or a committee appointed by the board. Grant award policy of the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.