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Application period

The application period is annually in January 1–31 for projects starting in April at the earliest. The application is made in our electronic application system via this link. If you are using the system for the first time, please register and create your own username and password. Please note that the application is only delivered when you see the text “Application sent”

Grants are not awarded retroactively.

Who can apply and how much?

  1. Doctoral students for completion of their thesis work, i.e., when there is less than one year left until the public defence. The grant is awarded for full-time research as a personal grant exempt from income tax. Tax-free doctoral grants are at the same level as government grants for artists (in 2024: 26 269,46 € per year).
  • Researchers or research teams for scientifical projects. The grant can also be used for e.g. recruitment of assistant staff, performance of fieldwork or collection of empirical data. The grant constitutes taxable income to the extent that it is used for the payment of wages and salaries. As a rule, fund transfers are handled by a university or equivalent institution. Grants of 10 000 € or more are always disbursed to such an institution. The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters can for specific reasons fund research projects directly. In recent years, grants for scientific projects have not exceeded 30 000 €.
  • Researchers for travel related to their research. Grants may be granted for reasonable travel and accommodation costs. The daily allowance is paid up to a maximum of the amount specified in the state’s travel regulations. For travel that is part of a research project, travel costs should be included in the application for the research project.

Members of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters can apply for travel grants continuously throughout the year. More information can be found at the following link.

If you are not a member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, your application must be endorsed by a member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application and the performance of the foreseen work. This means that the member is required not only to endorse the application by approving it in writing, but also monitor the project and approve the project report. Applications that lack a guarantor are not processed.

Can I apply for a scholarship for master’s studies?

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters does not award scholarships for master’s studies.

How do I find a guarantor?

If you are not a member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, your application must be endorsed by a member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application and the performance of the foreseen work. An application that does not have a guarantor will not be considered. Lists of members of the Society of Sciences and Letters can be found at the following links:

Ordinary members

Foreign members

If you do not find a suitable guarantor on the list, you can ask your supervisor for advice.

In which fields are scholarships awarded?

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters awards grants in all fields of science, the humanities and the social sciences. On the application form you must indicate to which section your application belongs: Mathematics and Physics, Biosciences, Humanities or Social Sciences or the Sohlberg Delegation.

The Sohlberg Delegation handles grant applications to the Sohlberg Fund which supports postgraduate research within the geosciences (incl. geography) about the natural conditions in Finland and the Nordic countries. Grants are awarded for conference trips, fieldwork and purchase of programs (not purchase of equipment).

What should the application contain?

In addition to the basic information filled in in the electronic form, the application must be accompanied by a customary research plan, including a detailed budget in table form, CV and list of publications. If you received a grant the previous year, you should attach a brief account of how you used the money. The final report must be submitted by May 31st.

If you are not a member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, your report must be endorsed by the member who serves as a co-guarantor for the application and the performance of the foreseen work. The form for the guarantor’s statement can be downloaded from the following link.


The university of the grant recipient may charge a maximum of 10% of the total amount of the grant as overhead costs.

How can I correct my application?

If you want to correct your application after you have submitted it, you can do so during the application period as follows:

– Select “Cancel sending of the application”, then you will be able to correct the application (this will not destroy any information. After cancelling the application, you can modify and resend the application).

– Make the changes.

Remember to resend the application, otherwise it will not be processed.

– The application is only delivered when you see the text “Application sent” .

How does the process work?

Grant applications are processed by the grant committees, which are appointed by sections in the Finnish Society and Letters. In addition, there is a special committee for the Sohlberg Fund (research activities in the earth sciences concerning the natural conditions in Finland and the Nordic countries). The scholarship boards make proposals regarding the size and duration of the grants.

In March, the board of the Society decides on the award of the grants in accordance with the adopted budget based on the grant committees’ proposals.

The decisive criteria for the award of grants are scientific quality and relevance. When similar projects compete for funding, priority is given to applications from members.

When and how do you get notice?

A list of the awarded research grants will be published on the website of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters at the end of March. Applications that have not been approved are not mentioned. Grant recipients will also be notified by email. In order for the research grant to be paid, you must supplement your application with your personal identity code and bank account number.

Those who are not granted a scholarship will also receive a notification by email.

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters does not provide justifications for grant decisions.

When and to whom is the grant paid?

The scholarship is paid within April once you have supplemented your application with your personal identity code and bank account number via the same electronic system as the application was made.

Travel grants and personal grants that cover living expenses are paid to the recipient’s personal bank account. However, the money traffic for grants including labour costs must be handled by a university or research institute. In this case, give the account number and name of the institute as well as a message/reference. In this case, too, you should provide your own personal identification number, not a business ID.

How to report on the use of the grant?

A report on the use of the grant funds shall be submitted as soon as possible after the completion of the project, or at least once a year by 31 May. Submit the report via the same electronic system as the application was submitted. The report should not be sent by e-mail or regular mail.

The report may be freely formulated but should contain an account of the use of the funds in table form. Receipts for travel, purchase of materials and equipment, etc. should be attached. If the grant was awarded for full-time work or to cover living costs (research grant or doctoral studies) you do not have to specify the expenses nor send receipts, but please provide an account of the time during which the grant was used and whether you received salary during this time.

If the grant recipient is not a member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters the garantor’s statement has to be attached to the report. The form for the guarantor’s statement can be downloaded from the following link.

The report is reviewed by the permanent secretary and treasurer and is subject to approval by the board. Once the Board has approved the report, the grant recipient will receive a confirmation by email.

Failure to file a report will affect the handling of future applications.

How to change purpose of the grant and repay?

The grant must be used in the manner intended in the application. If this proves impossible, the recipient can apply to use the grant for another purpose. If the recipient does not do so or if the amendment application is rejected, the recipient must repay the grant as soon as possible. Unused scholarship should also be repaid.

How are scholarships taxed?

The Society has a legal obligation to inform the taxation authorities of all grants over 1000 euro. The awarded amount will be seen on your pre-completed tax return, but if the total amount of grants is less than 26 269,46 € (2024) the amount is exempt of tax. If a larger sum is paid to a research institute, you have to inform the taxation authorities that the grant is not a personal grant. More information about taxation on the Tax Administrator’s web pages.

Any questions about taxation should be directed to the tax authorities.

Who handles the social security of grantees (statutory MYEL insurance/Mela)?

Mela is the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Maatalousyrittäjien eläkelaitos in Finnish). They provide comprehensive pension cover and social security also to recipients of scientific grants and scholarships.

The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters is obliged to report grants awarded to Mela when both the duration of the work and the grant amount exceed the statutory limits.

You have a legal obligation to apply for pension insurance if you meet the following conditions:

  • Your grant has been awarded for work lasting at least four months
  • The amount of your grant when converted into annual income is 4,506 euros or more (2024).
  • You are not employed by the same body that awarded the grant
  • You are between the ages of 18 and 68 but not yet on an old-age pension (for those born in 1957 or earlier, the insurance obligation ends at age 68, for those born between 1958 and 1961, the insurance obligation ends at age 69, for those born in 1962 or later, the insurance obligation ends at age 70)
  • You are eligible for the Finnish social security system.

If you are eligible for the Finnish social security system, you also have a legal obligation to take out pension insurance if you perform your grant work outside of Finland, or if you come to Finland to work on a grant. 

More information on Mela’s web pages.

Any questions about insurance should be directed to Mela.

Where do I get additional information related to the application?

In all matters concerning grants, please contact Office Secretary Anki Geust by email societas@scientiarum.fi or phone +358 50 435 5742.

Where do I get technical assistance?

If you need technical assistance, you can send e-mail to hakemustuki@datalink.fi.