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In memoriam Holger Thesleff

  • 15.03.2024
  • 14:15 - 18:00
  • Metsätalo Hall 6, Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki
  • Registration
  • Welcome to attend the memorial seminar dedicated to Holger Thesleff, an extraordinary professor of Greek philology (1924–2023). The seminar will delve into Thesleff’s impact on research in the history of philosophy and ancient culture at the University of Helsinki. Additionally, it will explore his contributions as a researcher and member of the scientific community. The speakers at the seminar will include Thesleff’s students and researchers who are well acquainted with his teaching and research. The seminar is held in Metsätalo Hall 6 (Unioninkatu 40, 3rd floor). The seminar is in Finnish and organized in collaboration with KFY (Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys). We kindly ask you to register for the seminar by no later than February 29, 2024, using this registration form.

    You can also follow the live stream, link to the live stream.


    14.15 Professori Mika Kajava Seminaarin avaus ja avaussanat
    14.30 VTT, FM Lassi Jakola Platonin kontekstit
    14.50 Professori Pauliina Remes Kaksi maailmaa vai kaksi tasoa? Platon ja Thesleff havaittavan todellisuuden suhteesta ideoihin
    15.10 FT, Dos. Mika Perälä Refleksiivisen tiedon lajit Platonin Kharmides-dialogissa
    15.30 Keskustelu
    15.50 Kahvitauko
    16.20 FT, Dos. Eero Salmenkivi Mieleen palauttaminen Platonin Menon-dialogissa
    16.40 Professori emeritus Hannu Riikonen Holger Thesleff ja antiikin jälkivaikutus
    17.00 Keskustelu
    17.20 Akateemikko Ilkka Niiniluoto Seminaarin päätössanat ja päättäminen